You have gone a total of .
Your current velocity is ( /s).
Your current acceleration is /s2.
Your current velocity is ( /s).
Your current acceleration is /s2.
: | : |
Notice: You are currently playing in v. This game was inspired by Antimatter Dimensions by
Hevipelle, and it uses jQuery.js,
notify.js, and
OmegaNum.js, none of which I take credit for.
If you would like to create a mod of this game, that's fine, just give credit, let me know in the
discord (preferrably with a game link), and name it something slightly different (like Distance
Incremental NG+ or something of the sort)...
Changelog Distances Hotkeys Discord Donate
Changelog Distances Hotkeys Discord Donate
Best-Ever Distance:
Best-Ever Velocity:
Best-Ever Acceleration:
Best-Ever Velocity:
Best-Ever Acceleration:
Scaling Levels
Scaled Superscaled Hyper Atomic Supercritical Meta Exotic Instant WTF Utterly Fucked
Scaled Superscaled Hyper Atomic Supercritical Meta Exotic Instant WTF Utterly Fucked
You have Energy, which is multiplying your velocity by .
You have Motive (based on Ranks, Tiers, & Incline)
You have Motive (based on Ranks, Tiers, & Incline)
The currently at Level , and so it is generating Energy/sec, with a limit of Energy
The Generators have also granted you Super-Energy, which makes you get x more Motive.
Your Super Energy is also making the first 25 Energy Upgrades % stronger.
You have , which are making your acceleration & maximum velocity boost themselves (log(x+1))
You have , which boosts the effect of rockets by %, and adds additional rockets to their effect.
You have
You have , translated to added
Rocket effect.
You have Blue Flame, which makes the cost of all Furnace Upgrades scale slower.
You have Blue Flame, which makes the cost of all Furnace Upgrades scale slower.
Notice: Furnace Challenges will perform a Collapse reset. When in a Furnace Challenge, Furnace Upgrade 4 does nothing.
Blue Flame does nothing. Goal: Blue Flame Reward: Superscaled & Hyper Furnace Upgrade scalings are 90% weaker. |
Coal gain is raised to the power of 0.075 (before reduction) Goal: Blue Flame Reward: Furnace Upgrade 1's effect is increased by 25x. |
Time Reversal Upgrade 16 does not affect Coal gain, and Hyper Furnace Upgrade scaling is stuck at 9,999% strength Goal: Blue Flame Reward: Scaled Rank Cheapener scaling is 90% weaker, and Knowledge gain is 3.2x faster. |
Furnace Upgrade 1 does nothing, and the Blue Flame cost formula is faster Goal: Blue Flame Reward: The Extreme Mode reduction to pre-Infinity generation is less lethal (^0.75 -> ^0.825) |
All Coal generation boosts from outside The Furnace is disabled (which includes Time Speed), and Blue Flame is weaker Goal: Blue Flame Reward: Furnace Upgrade 4's effect is increased by 0.0001x for each Furnace Upgrade 1 bought, and unlock Furnace Upgrade 5 |
Furnace Upgrades are 99.99% weaker, Enhanced Furnace Upgrades are 50% weaker, and Blue Flame & Enhanced Furnace Upgrades cost scale much faster. This challenge forces an Elementary reset instead of a Collapse reset. Goal: Blue Flame Reward: Blue Flame affects Enhanced Furnace Upgrades at a reduced rate |
You have , translated to free Blue Flame, and multiply Time Speed by x.
Your Enhanced Coal has granted you Molten Bricks, which boost Pathogen gain & Enhanced Coal gain by x, and boost Knowledge gain by x
Your Enhanced Coal has granted you Molten Bricks, which boost Pathogen gain & Enhanced Coal gain by x, and boost Knowledge gain by x
You have , which is making Furnace & Enhanced Furnace Upgrades % stronger
You have , which is multiplying your Molten Bricks by
Note: This does not reset on Elementary.
You are generating 1 Plasma every second, and your Skyrmions are raising your Plasma to the power of .
You have Plasma.
Your Plasma & Blue Flame have generated White Flame
You have . | You have . |
Interval: | Magnitude: |
You have , translated to free rocket fuel
You have , which make time go x faster
You have .
You have
Dark Flow: x
, which has created a base knowledge gain of
Reach to be endorsed again.
You have knowledge .
Reach to be endorsed again.
You have knowledge .
Dark Flow is x as fast. | Get of each Pathogen upgrade for free. | The Cadaver effect softcaps x later. | Cadaver gain softcaps x later. |
You have Godhood Enlightenments, translated to a % increase in Godhood Perk power. | You have Holy Enlightenments, translated to a % increase in Holy Perk power. | You have Sainthood Enlightenments, translated to a % increase in Sainthood Perk power. | You have Glory Enlightenments, translated to a % increase in Glory Perk power. |
Note: Perks do nothing in Stadium Challenges
Note 2: Each Challenge completion makes the others harder, with the exception being Reality, which actually gets easier.
Spaceon |
Solaris |
Infinity |
Eternity |
Reality |
Drigganiz |
Flamis |
Cranius |
Spectra |
Aqualon |
Nullum |
Quantron |
You have Spectral
Gems. Next at Endorsements.
You have Angels.
You have Heavenly Chips , translated to a % boost to the rewards of Spaceon, Solaris, & Eternity, but they also make Demonic Souls in their effect .
You have Demons.
You have Demonic Souls , translated to a % increase to Perk Strength, but they also make Heavenly Chips in their effect .
You have Phantoms (1 every 3 Spectral Gems).
You have Haunting Energy , translated to a % increase in Spectral Gem frequency, and a x multiplier to Heavenly Chip, Demonic Soul, & Haunting Energy gain bases.
You have Purge Power, which makes the cancelling out of Heavenly Chips & Demonic Souls raised to the power of .
You have Angels.
You have Heavenly Chips , translated to a % boost to the rewards of Spaceon, Solaris, & Eternity, but they also make Demonic Souls in their effect .
You have Demons.
You have Demonic Souls , translated to a % increase to Perk Strength, but they also make Heavenly Chips in their effect .
You have Phantoms (1 every 3 Spectral Gems).
You have Haunting Energy , translated to a % increase in Spectral Gem frequency, and a x multiplier to Heavenly Chip, Demonic Soul, & Haunting Energy gain bases.
You have Purge Power, which makes the cancelling out of Heavenly Chips & Demonic Souls raised to the power of .
You have Elementary Particles.
You have performed Elementaries.
You have Fermions.
Your Fermions & Endorsements are generating you
You have .
You have .
Your Fermions & Total Spectral Gems are generating you
You have .
You have .
You have Bosons.
Your Bosons & Ascension Power are generating you Gauge
You have Gauge Bosons.
You have Gauge Force , which is making the below resources generate at x speed.
You have Photons
You have W Bosons , translated to a x multiplier to Z Boson gain and a x multiplier to Ascension Power gain.
You have Z Bosons , translated to a x multiplier to W Boson gain and a x multiplier to Dark Flow.
You have Red Gluons .
You have Green Gluons .
You have Blue Gluons .
You have Anti-Red Gluons .
You have Anti-Green Gluons .
You have Anti-Blue Gluons .
You have Gravitons , translated to a x multiplier to Gauge Force gain (boosted by Elementaries).
You have Gauge Bosons.
You have Gauge Force , which is making the below resources generate at x speed.
You have Photons
You have W Bosons , translated to a x multiplier to Z Boson gain and a x multiplier to Ascension Power gain.
You have Z Bosons , translated to a x multiplier to W Boson gain and a x multiplier to Dark Flow.
You have Red Gluons .
You have Green Gluons .
You have Blue Gluons .
You have Anti-Red Gluons .
You have Anti-Green Gluons .
You have Anti-Blue Gluons .
You have Gravitons , translated to a x multiplier to Gauge Force gain (boosted by Elementaries).
Your Gravitons have gathered you Graviton Boosts (next at ), which are making you gain x as many Elementaries on reset. (Mult per Graviton Boost: )
Your Bosons are generating you Scalar Bosons/sec.
You have Scalar Bosons.
You have Higgs Bosons .
You have Scalar Bosons.
You have Higgs Bosons .
You have 1 Theory Points.
You have a Primary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Supersymmetric Particle gain.
You have a Secondary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Primary String gain.
You have a Tertiary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Secondary String gain.
You have a Quaternary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Tertiary String gain.
You have a Quinary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Quaternary String gain.
You have a Senary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Quinary String gain.
You have a Septenary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Senary String gain.
You have an Octonary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Septenary String gain.
You have a Nonary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Octonary String gain.
You have a Dekanary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Nonary String gain.
You have of Entangled Strings, translated to a x multiplier to the generation speed of all Strings.
You have Squarks , translated to a x multiplier to Quark gain.
You have Sleptons , translated to a x multiplier to Lepton gain.
You have Neutralinos , translated to a x multiplier to Graviton gain.
You have Charginos , translated to a x multiplier to Photon gain.
Your Supersymmetric Particles have provided you with a Supersymmetric Wave with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to all pre-Elementary resources.
You have Sleptons , translated to a x multiplier to Lepton gain.
You have Neutralinos , translated to a x multiplier to Graviton gain.
You have Charginos , translated to a x multiplier to Photon gain.
Your Supersymmetric Particles have provided you with a Supersymmetric Wave with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to all pre-Elementary resources.
Pathogen Upgrades
Knowledge & Higgs
Theoriverse & Endorsements
EP Gain & Elementaries
Entangled Strings
Quantum Foam
You have a Primary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Supersymmetric Particle gain.
You have a Secondary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Primary String gain.
You have a Tertiary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Secondary String gain.
You have a Quaternary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Tertiary String gain.
You have a Quinary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Quaternary String gain.
You have a Senary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Quinary String gain.
You have a Septenary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Senary String gain.
You have an Octonary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Septenary String gain.
You have a Nonary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Octonary String gain.
You have a Dekanary String with a length of , translated to a x multiplier to Nonary String gain.
You have of Entangled Strings, translated to a x multiplier to the generation speed of all Strings.
Your Primary Strings have generated you Preons .
You have Theoretical Boosters, which are providing a total of TP.
You have Theoretical Boosters, which are providing a total of TP.
Your Acceleration is generating you Accelerons each second .
You have Accelerons, which are making your Perk Accelerator get Weakened later
You have Dark Expanders.
You have Accelerons, which are making your Perk Accelerator get Weakened later
You have Dark Expanders.
You are gaining Inflatons each second (based on Inflaton amount).
You have Inflatons ()
Your Inflatons are making all Theory Tree Upgrades x cheaper.
Your Inflatons are making each Hadron effect interval give more TP.
You have Inflatons ()
Your Inflatons are making all Theory Tree Upgrades x cheaper.
Your Inflatons are making each Hadron effect interval give more TP.
Projected Hadronic Score:
Best Hadronic Score:
You have Hadrons , which are providing you with free TP (next TP at Hadrons)
"Actually Useless Theories": Multiply the generation of all Foam types by .
Quantum Boost []: Multiply Quantum Foam gain by .
Fermion Boost []: Multiply Quark & Lepton gain by .
Entangle Boost []: Multiply Entangled String gain by .
Inflaton Boost []: Multiply Inflaton gain by .
Meta-Boost []: Add levels to all above boosts (based on your Knowledge).
Subplanck Boost []: Multiply Subplanck Foam gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Hadron Boost []: Multiply Hadron gain by .
Theory Boost []: Divide Theory Tree costs by .
Supersymmetric Boost []: Multiply Supersymmetric Particle gain by .
Endorsement Boost []: Superscaled Endorsements start later.
Subspatial Boost []: Multiply Subspatial Foam gain by (based on your Subplanck Foam).
Elementary Boost []: Multiply Elementary Particle gain by (not affected by softcap).
Meta-Boost II []: Add levels to all above boosts (based on your Quantum Foam).
Ascension Boost []: Multiply Ascension Power gain by .
String Boost []: Multiply String gain by .
Infinitesimal Boost []: Multiply Infinitesimal Foam gain by (based on your Subspatial Foam).
Advanced Theory Boost []: Certain Theory Tree Upgrades cap later.
Gauge Boost []: Multiply Gauge Force gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Boson Boost []: Multiply Gluon, W Boson, & Z Boson gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Rocket Boost []: Multiply the Rocket effect exponent by .
Foam Boost []: Multiply the gain of all Foam types by (based on your Infinitesimal Foam).
Perk Accelerator Boost []: The Perk Accelerator gets Weakened & Broken x later.
Foam Boost II []: Multiply the gain of all Foam types by .
Pathogen Boost []: Multiply Pathogen gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Meta-Boost III []: Add levels to all above boosts.
Quantum Boost []: Multiply Quantum Foam gain by .
Fermion Boost []: Multiply Quark & Lepton gain by .
Entangle Boost []: Multiply Entangled String gain by .
Inflaton Boost []: Multiply Inflaton gain by .
Meta-Boost []: Add levels to all above boosts (based on your Knowledge).
Subplanck Boost []: Multiply Subplanck Foam gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Hadron Boost []: Multiply Hadron gain by .
Theory Boost []: Divide Theory Tree costs by .
Supersymmetric Boost []: Multiply Supersymmetric Particle gain by .
Endorsement Boost []: Superscaled Endorsements start later.
Subspatial Boost []: Multiply Subspatial Foam gain by (based on your Subplanck Foam).
Elementary Boost []: Multiply Elementary Particle gain by (not affected by softcap).
Meta-Boost II []: Add levels to all above boosts (based on your Quantum Foam).
Ascension Boost []: Multiply Ascension Power gain by .
String Boost []: Multiply String gain by .
Infinitesimal Boost []: Multiply Infinitesimal Foam gain by (based on your Subspatial Foam).
Advanced Theory Boost []: Certain Theory Tree Upgrades cap later.
Gauge Boost []: Multiply Gauge Force gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Boson Boost []: Multiply Gluon, W Boson, & Z Boson gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Rocket Boost []: Multiply the Rocket effect exponent by .
Foam Boost []: Multiply the gain of all Foam types by (based on your Infinitesimal Foam).
Perk Accelerator Boost []: The Perk Accelerator gets Weakened & Broken x later.
Foam Boost II []: Multiply the gain of all Foam types by .
Pathogen Boost []: Multiply Pathogen gain by (based on your Quantum Foam).
Meta-Boost III []: Add levels to all above boosts.
You have Quantum Foam . | ||||
Height: | Width: | Depth: | ||
You have Subplanck Foam , which is multiplying Quantum Foam gain by x. | ||||
Height: | Width: | Depth: | ||
You have Subspatial Foam , which is multiplying Subplanck Foam & Quantum Foam gain by x. | ||||
Height: | Width: | Depth: | ||
You have Infinitesimal Foam , which is multiplying the gain of all previous types of Foam by x. | ||||
Height: | Width: | Depth: | ||
You have Protoversal Foam , which is multiplying the gain of all previous types of Foam by x. | ||||
Height: | Width: | Depth: |
You have Entropy.
Your best Entropy is , which is multiplying the production of all Foam types by .
You have Ω Particles (next at Entropy), which are adding levels to all Foam Boosts.
Destabilizing the topology of your multiverse will force an Entropy & Elementary reset, and will also reset your Purge Power, Elementary Particles, Fermions, Bosons, Photon & Gluon Upgrades, Supersymmetric Particles, Theory Tree Upgrades, Strings (and Entangled Strings), Preon amount, Acceleron amount, Inflatons, Hadrons, Entropy, & Entropy Upgrades (except the first one).
You have Skyrmions, which multiply the Quark/Lepton exponents by
Base Pion/Spinor Gain: /s.
You have Skyrmions, which multiply the Quark/Lepton exponents by
Base Pion/Spinor Gain: /s.
You have Pions
You have Spinors